Perspectives on growth...

York Zucchi
2 min readSep 16, 2019

As the saying goes,

“The rich stay rich by acting poor. The poor stay poor by acting rich”.

Dear fellow Medium worshippers, I can’t stress enough how important it is to not let peer pressure get to you. There’s a world of people focused on separating you from your money. Resist at all costs.

The recent article predicting that Germany will have the biggest surplus of any country next year made me reflect on the unsustainability of the current way the world's economy works.

The interconnectedness has wonderful upsides for the spread of innovation, pricing transparency etc but too much is reliant on an ever increasing spending cycle to the point that even govts, the supposedly custodians of our long term future, are yielding to the pressures of corporate profits and thus encouraging debts, borrowing and consumption instead of incentivising savings and long term organic business growth.

My wife I have over the last year gotten rid of so much of our nice to haves and focused on must haves (which is usually much less). We have also trimmed our businesses so that they can grow organically without requiring more and more all the time. It has made a world of difference to our commercial pressures, our quality of life and - truthfullly - also realise how much irrelevant products and services are being pushed to consumers that really add only marginal benefit.

For example, I drive a 3rd hand car. Have a phone that costs EUR 200 and works perfectly (crap camera though but I don’t make money from pics so don’t mind), use a EUR 250 android tablet as my laptop and don’t rent offices. I travel economy and use pubic transport. Low fixed costs.

The difference between rich entrepreneurs and pretend entrepreneurs. The former looks poor by buying 2nd hand laptops, cars & phones that do the job and saves tons. The latter buys the latest & best to look successful but struggles to make ends meet

Here’s to slowing down, decluttering and simplifying and not losing focus on what matters VS what appears to matter in life’s great rollercoaster

#economy #growthhacking



York Zucchi

Swiss born entrepreneur, investor & innovator. Passionate about entrepreneurship and access to markets. Drinker of copious amounts of coffee...